
“This humane thriller will appeal to readers who love mysteries with a global scope.”

-Publishers Weekly Book Life

“Like a picturesque French farmhouse, the story has good bones...”

-Kirkus Reviews

“From the mysterious disappearance of Sonia Delaunay’s artwork to the vibrant setting of a French village, Roberta Samuels has crafted a captivating and beautifully written story.”

-Denise Reichert

“I really enjoyed your book. Part of my pleasure as an editor was seeing how you managed to balance all the elements in a novella-length work: mystery-adventure story; lessons in history, art-history and, above all, geo-politics; travelogue with well-known and more obscure highlights! And all while defining terms and providing some translations.”

-Testimonial from Barbara Phillips, Wall Street Journal

“Vanished is a great way to learn about the plight of African migrants, African art, and some of the lesser known villages in southern France. A delightful story, fun, whimsical characters Wrapped in a titillating mystery. A quick and delightful read.”

-Lisa Pulitzer, Author

“Vanished! by Roberta Samuels was an exciting mystery novel with an interesting storyline.
Abdoulaye’s journey to France, one of the main characters, was an incredibly dangerous one and kept my interest up until the very end. The factual information the author included on African Art, politics and the various destinations that Barbara and Sam visited in France made the storyline all the more enjoyable. I look forward to reading the author’s next book.”

-Florence, Amazon Review

“This book is captivating, I read it one shot. it takes you from the south west of France to the north … while going though Senegal and Mali ! the enigma unravels at the end in a total surprise”

-Bernie from France, Amazon Review